Mobile lifters

Svenema AB.

Svenema develop, design and manufactures custom-made ergonomic lifters.
We have provided the pharmaceutical industry with mobile lifters since 1995.
Our focus is to manufacture mobile lifters with an ergonomic design for material handling in the pharmaceutical environment.

Stainless steel 304/316.

All of our lifters are constructed in stainless steel with a clean design, suitable for clean room areas and ATEX-environments where the risk of contamination needs to be minimal.
You can choose if you want to have the lifter produced in stainless steel 304 or 316 depending on the classification of the room.

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Fyra bilder med rostfria lyftvagnar för renrum

Mobile lifters

Svenema designs custom-made mobile lifters to meet our customers requirements. Therefore no two lifters are alike.

Our lifters can handle weights up to 300kg.

You can read more about our lifters under the category mobile lifters.

Personer hanterar en påse i renrum

System solutions

All of our system solutions are custom-made. Because of that we can provide you a solution to make your work flow more efficient.
We want to see the whole work flow from start to finish so we can give you some ideas on how to increase the efficiency throughout the whole process.

Under the category system solutions you’ll find out more about different ways to handle goods and how we’ve helped increase the efficiency.

Bild på en datorskärm som visar en CAD modell

Our way of working

We analyse your lifting problem together with you and aspire to come up with the most ergonomic solution for your requirements. If necessary, we visit your company to get a better understanding on how you work today.

We can provide you with a…

Närbild på en rostfri lyftvagn

Focus on hygiene

Due to our focus in cleanroom areas, the design of our lifters is very important. Therefore, all our lifters are produced in stainless steel 304 with surface finish Ra 1,4 as standard.

Since many of our lifters are customized you can also…

ISO-9001 certifikat utfärdat till Svenema AB

Quality Thinking

Our focus on hygiene and to provide lifters that are easy to clean has throughout the years enabled us to deliver lifters to our customers with extremely high demands on hygiene and cleanliness.

We have provided clean room lifters to…

Since the start of 1995, Svenema AB has developed lifting equipment for the pharmaceutical industry. Our ambition is to be a long term partner for an ergonomic material handling in clean room areas. Your challenges in demanding environments involves Svenema.
Stefan Jarenheim


Do you want to know more about us or our products?

Don’t hesitate to contact us!