The picture shows how you, with the help of a lifter, can take a container from unclean to clean zone via a pass-through. By looking at the whole workflow, you usually end up with a good and ergonomic solution.
Handling of container from a box in the hospital.
Taking the container by a pass-through from unclean to clean zone in the hospital.
By a custom-made design you can handle different types of containers, but also two at the same time. We will create a design that fits your needs in a safe and ergonomic way.
By a custom-made design you can handle different types of containers, but also two at the same time. We will create a design that fits your needs in a safe and ergonomic way.
Handling of container from a pass-through in the hospital.
Handling of container from a pass-through in the hospital.
Accessory. Transportation rack for handling of containers from a hotcell to a pass-through. The rack has
a carousel function and can therefore storage 4 containers at the same time.
You can lift the rack with the mobile lifter and transport it.
Accessory. Practical rack for the boxes where the nuclear container goes into. Use a lifter to move the rack into, for an example, a transport car.
Mobile lifter to handle a container from a hot cell to a isolator (or other places). The lifting device has a telescope function and therefore you can reach all the way in into the isolator. The telescope function also makes the lifter very compact when used with other goods.
When transporting the containers a longer time, we designed a platform on the lifters legs where you can put down the containers so that they don't swing during the transportation.
Accessory. Close-up on the platform.
When transporting the containers a longer time, we designed a platform on the lifters legs where you can put down the containers so that they don't swing during the transportation.